


Shout out to Drs. Steve Adelman, Eddie Phillips, Diane Shannon, & Frank Fortin who are editors of the What works for me blog.  Jointly sponsored by the Massachusetts Medical Society and the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, physicians are encouraged to share their stories and experiences and use the blog to demonstrate their best practices.

The editors write:

"What works for you? What do you do at home, at work, and in the community, to keep your personal batteries fully charged? What personal and professional practices keep you engaged and excited, when you are “on duty” and when you are “off duty?”

Please submit a 300-600 word account of what works for you. Try to dig beneath the surface a bit and reveal the “why” behind your passion. Consider including a patient anecdote (disguised and de-identified) to make your story come alive. Do patients know what works for you? How have they reacted?"

What works for me shares stories of creativity, music, exercise and nutrition, mutual support and reflection...all fresh from the lived experience of colleagues.

Well worth both reading...and contributing.

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